Add an OpenAPI specification file

To describe your endpoints with OpenAPI, make sure you have a valid OpenAPI document in either JSON or YAML format that follows the OpenAPI specification. Your document must follow OpenAPI specification 3.0+.

Autogenerating the API playground

You can either autogenerate the API playground or create MDX files for the individual OpenAPI endpoints.

Auto-populate API pages

You can add an openapi field to an object in the tabs or anchors array in the mint.json. This can either be with OpenAPI documents that are in the docs repo (json or yaml) or hosted at a link.

Example with Anchors:

  "anchors": [
      "name": "API Reference",
      "openapi": "/path/to/openapi.json",
      "url": "api-reference",
      "icon": "square-terminal"

Example with Tabs:

  "tabs": [
      "name": "API Reference",
      "url": "api-reference",
      "openapi": ""

Create MDX files for OpenAPI endpoints

You can also create MDX files associated with each OpenAPI endpoint if you would like to add additional context to specific pages or have more granular control over the navigation. Here is the code from Elevenlabs.

If you want to autogenerate MDX files for every endpoint in your OpenAPI document you can use our scraper.

Autogenerate files

Our Mintlify scraper autogenerates MDX files for your OpenAPI endpoints. Use the relative path to the OpenAPI document in your codebase. If you’re using a publicly-hosted OpenAPI document, you can supply the URL in place of a path.

npx @mintlify/scraping@latest openapi-file <path-to-openapi-file>

Add the -o flag to specify a folder to populate the files into. If a folder is not specified, the files will populate in the working directory.

npx @mintlify/scraping@latest openapi-file <path-to-openapi-file> -o api-reference

Learn more about our scraping package here.

The scraper will output an array of Navigation entries containing your OpenAPI MDX files. You can either append these entries to your existing Navigation, or reorder and add the files to your navigation manually.

If your OpenAPI document is invalid, the files will not autogenerate.

Manually specify files

By using the OpenAPI reference, the name, description, parameters, responses, and the API playground will be automatically generated using the specifications.

If you have multiple OpenAPI files, include the name of the OpenAPI file (without the file type .json or .yaml) to correctly map the information. This is not required if you have only one OpenAPI file - it will automatically detect your OpenAPI file.

The method endpoint must match the endpoint specified in the OpenAPI specifications exactly. If the endpoint doesn’t exist in the OpenAPI file, the page will be empty.

Create MDX files for OpenAPI schemas

Mintlify also allows you to create individual pages for any OpenAPI schema defined in an OpenAPI document’s components.schemas field: